Try the free version of Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker. Get a glimpse into the power of our premium tool.
Ahrefs has the second most active web crawler after Google, which means we have the best backlink database in the industry.
Our backlink index is updated with fresh data every 15 minutes.
Check any website, URL or subsection to see actionable and insightful SEO?metrics:
Number of referring domains
Number of backlinks
Domain Rating (DR)
Ahrefs Rank (AR)
Our proprietary Domain Rating (DR) metric is super-useful for judging the “backlink popularity” (strength) of a target.
See an interactive view of referring domains and pages over time.
See every page linking to your target in the detailed Backlinks report. Use powerful filters to dive deeper.
Link type (“dofollow” / “nofollow”)
Domain Rating (DR)
URL Rating (UR)
Referring domains
Get awesome insights into the popularity of the linking web page and website with organic traffic estimates. No other tool shows you this.
Check the Referring domains report to see every linking domain, along with useful SEO metrics.
Domain Rating (DR)
Referring domains (followed)
Linked domains (followed)
Estimated organic traffic
Links to target (total & followed)
Find any linking domain with the handy search function.
Find "linkworthy" pages by researching your competitors' most linked-to pages with the Best by links report.
Use the "404 not found" filter to find highly linked-to broken pages on any website and kickstart a broken link building campaign.
The Linked domains report shows SEO metrics for every outbound linked domain.
Domain Rating (DR)
Ahrefs Rank (AR)
Total followed referring domains
Total followed linked domains
Estimated organic traffic
Number of links from the target (total & followed)
We also show the target's broken outbound links in the Broken links report, and a full breakdown of outbound linking anchor text in the Anchors report.
Here are more features that make Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker special:
In a nutshell, Ahrefs' Backlink Checker is a powerhouse capable of pretty much any backlink research task.
We're constantly evolving the tool and introducing more useful features and data for SEO professionals.
Everything you need to know about link building for SEO. What it is, how it works, what makes a good link, how to build it and more.
Are you struggling to build backlinks to your website? Try these 9 easy (yet effective) link building strategies today.
You don't need dozens of link building tools. You just need 8 of them. Here are the 8 we recommend.